Regulatory Updates

Total of 186 Records Returned
State: All
Continuous Glucose Monitor: Provide Supplies for a Calendar Month
Date Posted : 03/31/2022
Date Expired : 03/31/2023
Program: Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies, Pharmacy
We’ve heard from Medicare patients who have a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that they’ve run out of testing supplies before the end of the month. These patients can’t get traditional testing supplies because they have a CGM. For example, if a patient gets 2 (14-day) CGM sensors for April, the patient won’t have enough to test on the 29th and 30th. Here’s how to prevent this serious issue:
- Bill the supply allowance (code K0553) as 1 unit of service (UOS) per month. One UOS equals 1 month’s supply (31, 30, 29, or 28 days). You can only bill 1 UOS for code K0553 per month.
- Check regularly to see what supplies your patient needs.
- Send these supplies to meet the next month’s supply need.
- April – 30 calendar days: Provide 3 sensors (42-day supply)
- May – 31 calendar days: Provide 2 sensors (28-day supply) since the patient should have 12 days remaining from the previous month
- June – 30 calendar days: Provide 2 sensors (28-day supply) since the patient should have 9 days remaining from the previous month
State: Ohio
Pharmacy Technicians
Date Proposed : 04/27/2021
Date Effective : 04/1/2022
Date Adopted : 03/14/2022
Program: Pharmacy
Amends and establishes rules regarding definitions, registration procedures, criminal records checks, renewal procedures, holding multiple registrations and licenses, verification of registration and certification, approved pharmacy technician training programs, registered pharmacy technicians, and certified pharmacy technicians.
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Complying with Medicare Signature Requirements
Date Posted : 01/1/2022
Program: Clinical Laboratory, Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies, Home Health, Home Infusion Therapy, Hospice, Renal Dialysis
Signature Requirements The ordering or prescribing physician or Non-Physician Practitioner (NPP) must make a mark or sign on a document indicating their knowledge, approval, acceptance, or obligation to services provided or certified. This article reviews what type of signature is acceptable. For example: Electronic, handwritten, signature logs and more.
Read MoreState: Michigan
Michigan Pharmacy Benefits Managers
Date Proposed : 02/24/2021
Date Effective : 01/1/2024
Date Adopted : 02/23/2022
Program: Pharmacy
(4) Except as otherwise provided in a contract between a mail-order pharmacy or specialty pharmacy and a carrier, health plan, or pharmacy benefit manager, the carrier, health plan, or pharmacy benefit manager shall not require pharmacist or pharmacy accreditation standards or recertification requirements inconsistent with, more stringent than, or in addition to federal and state requirements to obtain reimbursement for a covered drug.
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Kentucky Renal Dialysis
Date Proposed : 05/14/2021
Program: Renal Dialysis
This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for dialysis technician training programs. KY 24273 2021
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Hospice Inpatient Unit – Specialized Prescription Drug Outlet
Date Proposed : 02/17/2022
Date Effective : 08/10/2022
Date Adopted : 06/8/2022
Program: Hospice, Pharmacy
(b) A pharmacy located in a hospice inpatient unit may register as a specialized prescription drug outlet if the pharmacy compounds drugs and devices and dispenses and delivers the drugs and devices, or provides pharmacist care services, to residents of the hospice inpatient unit.
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