New Home Health and Hospice Distinctions

Put Your Agency at the Forefront of Innovative Care

In-home care providers are facing extraordinary challenges. Demand for care is rising, older adults are seeking age-related services, and expanded measurement-based requirements are magnifying accountability.

New ACHC Accreditation Distinctions for home health and hospice providers

Home Health Outcomes and Age-Friendly Care deliver innovative solutions to elevate your operations, empowering your agency to lead the way in this new era of home-based care.

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Home Health Outcomes

Don’t just say you’re the best. Prove it.

Our Distinction in Home Health Outcomes is the first to validate excellence in meeting measurement-based quality standards established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Best of the Best

Do you qualify? Only first-rate agencies can apply. Eligibility is limited to providers that score in the overall top 25% of the CMS Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Performance Report.

Earning this distinction gives you more than bragging rights. It sets you apart as a market leader, highlighting the value of your services to patients, payors, and referring providers. It also helps you maximize Medicare reimbursement and keeps you compliant with regulatory requirements.

ACHC identifies three domains to be measured by home health agencies. The distinction validates that your agency collects and uses the data to evaluate the quality of care you provide and guide continuous improvement.

The domains and measure categories are:

  • Patient Outcomes Domain: OASIS-based measures.
  • Utilization Domain: Claims-based measures.
  • Patient Satisfaction Domain: HHCAHPS survey-based measures.

Age-Friendly Care

As the U.S. population ages, older patients increasingly are seeking healthcare services that address their needs as individuals. Care delivery models are shifting to meet these needs, support independence, and align with patient preferences.

Our Distinction in Age-Friendly Care puts your home health or hospice agency at the leading edge of this patient-centered movement.

Supporting Patients

Achieving the distinction places your agency in a special class of providers, assuring patients and their families of your dedication to delivering superior care for older adults.

The distinction not only recognizes you as a champion of age-friendly care but also highlights the value of your services to patients, payors, and referring providers and keeps you aligned with best practices to address challenges faced by older patients.

The distinction is designed to help agencies deliver services that improve patient safety, satisfaction, and outcomes while preventing harm, reducing costs, and decreasing hospitalizations.

Standards are modeled on the evidence-based 4Ms* framework for quality care:

  • What Matters: Match care with the priorities and goals of older patients.
  • Medication: Review and resolve potential interactions and side effects.
  • Mentation: Manage patients’ mental and psychological conditions and responses.
  • Mobility: Help patients stay active to maintain functionality.

*The 4Ms framework is a key component of the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative developed by The John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, in collaboration with the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association of the United States.


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See why so many home health and hospice agencies rely on ACHC. Learn more today! Call (855) 937-2242 or email [email protected].