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Bridging the Gap: Understanding the Interconnection Between the Physical Environment and Life Safety in ACHC Standards for Hospitals

02/11/2025|Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Did You Know?|

From a facilities perspective, protecting patient and staff safety are the hospital’s biggest priority. To ensure this safety, all aspects of the facility must be constructed, arranged, and maintained to meet a range of regulations.

Why Your Accreditation End Date Matters

10/07/2024|Accreditation, Behavioral Health, Clinical Labs, Compounding Pharmacy, Did You Know?, DMEPOS, Home Care, Home Health, Home Infusion Therapy, Hospice, Palliative Care, Pharmacy, Renal Dialysis, Sleep|

Achieving accreditation is regarded as one of the key benchmarks for measuring the quality of an organization. Once initial accreditation is achieved, it is not permanent and must be maintained and renewed to ensure continued compliance. ACHC Accreditation is valid for a 36-month time period but preparation for renewal should begin at least nine months before the expiration date. Resources are available to help you prepare.

Implementation Deadline Approaching for Adapting to Proficiency Testing Regulations

09/23/2024|Clinical Labs, Did You Know?|

Clinical laboratories produce test results that are crucial to providers’ decision-making in ensuring patients receive consistently high-quality care. How do laboratories ensure providers receive consistently accurate test results? Laboratories conduct proficiency testing to meet CMS quality assurance rules, including rules now being updated.

Advance Directives Require Important Considerations

09/19/2024|Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Did You Know?|

Advance directives rank among the most important legal documents in the healthcare setting. They come into use when a patient is incapacitated and cannot provide informed consent for care or cannot actively participate in care planning. Among the various types of advance directives, the most common in the healthcare setting are the living will and the durable power of attorney for health care.

Assessing Competencies Helps Ensure Quality and Safety of Patient Care

07/24/2024|Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Did You Know?|

Competencies are not just requirements in health care. They are crucial aspects. Competencies play pivotal roles in ensuring patient safety, quality and continuity of care, and operational efficiency. As a healthcare professional, your role in identifying and addressing competence-related issues is paramount.

Get Accredited

Ready to get started? Contact us to begin your ACHC Accreditation process today.