
Regulatory Updates

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DMEPOS Master List – Effective August 12, 2024

Date Effective : 08/12/2024

Program: Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies

CMS has posted an updated Master List as well as items that require prior authorization and/or require a face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery.  CMS has also provided a comparison chart that provides a crosswalk between both required lists.

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State: Florida

Florida Alzheimer’s Training Requirements Updated for ALF Providers

Program: Assisted Living

Florida has updated Staff Training and Competency Test Requirements for ALF providers in F.A.C. 59A-36.011 (10).  This revision to the rule reflects updated Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Training requirements outlined in Florida Statute 430.5025 implemented in 2023.  ALF providers should review the requirements outlined by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs to ensure compliance.

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State: All

OASIS-E1 Draft Instruments now Available

Date Effective : 01/1/2025

Program: Home Health

CMS has released draft versions of the OASIS-E1 instruments.  CMS also included on the OASIS Data Set page are other helpful resources to prepare for the updated OASIS.

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State: All

OASIS-E1 Manual (Draft) is now Available

Date Effective : 01/1/2025

Program: Home Health

CMS has released a draft version of the OASIS-E1 manual.  OASIS-E1 is set to be effective January 1, 2025.  Providers are encouraged to begin to familiarize themselves with OASIS-E1.

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State: All

ESRD PPS Bundled Payment to Include Oral-Only Drugs

Date Effective : 01/1/2025

Program: Renal Dialysis

Effective January 1, 2025, certain drugs, available in oral form for use in ESRD facility dialysis services, will be included in the bundled payment.  Read further for more information regarding payment, coding, and timeframes related to this change.

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State: Texas

New Texas Requirement for HCSSAs

Date Effective : 09/1/2024

Date Adopted : 04/18/2024

Program: Home Care, Home Health

Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued Provider Letter 2024-10 April 18, 2024.  This letter outlines the requirements for HCSSAs with a home health category (if the agency employees 2 or more registered nurses) to adopt and implement a workplace violence prevention program no later than September 1, 2024.

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