
Regulatory Updates

Total of 186 Records Returned

State: Illinois

Illinois – Update to the Nurse Practice Act

Date Effective : 01/4/2021

Date Adopted : 01/4/2021

Program: Home Health, Home Infusion Therapy, Hospice, Private Duty, Renal Dialysis

Sets forth rules to modernize the Nurse Practice Act. IL 18308 2020

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State: Maryland

Maryland – Residential Service Agency training requirements

Date Proposed : 12/22/2020

Date Adopted : 05/31/2021

Program: Home Health, Home Infusion Therapy, Hospice, Private Duty

FOR the purpose of requiring each residential service agency, beginning on a certain date, to ensure that certain individuals receive certain training relating to dementia; providing that certain training may be provided by a certain supervisory staff member; prohibiting a residential service agency from requiring certain individuals to complete certain training; requiring an individual who provides certain training to issue a certification of completion to each individual who completes the training; requiring each residential service agency to maintain certain records; requiring certain individuals who have not received certain training to complete certain training on or before a certain date; defining a certain term; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to residential service agencies.

MD H 141

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State: Kentucky

Kentucky – Training requirements for personnel who care for Alzheimer’s patients

Date Proposed : 01/5/2021

Date Adopted : 03/22/2021

Program: Home Health, Hospice, Private Duty

The purpose of this section is to set minimum training requirements for direct- care staff members that are employed by facilities or programs regulated by the cabinet that provide services to individuals who exhibit symptoms of Alzheimer's disease or other dementias in the populations they serve.

KY S 61

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State: All

DMEPOS quarterly updates for the Competitive Bidding Program

Date Proposed : 02/25/2021

Date Effective : 04/1/2021

Program: Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies, Pharmacy

Medicare updates the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) files on a quarterly basis to implement necessary changes to Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes, ZIP codes, single payment amounts, and supplier files. CR12128 provides specific instruction for implementing the DMEPOS CBP files.

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State: Arkansas

Amends the requirements regarding locations for and geographic areas of a home healthcare services agency.

Date Proposed : 03/9/2021

Program: Home Health


 AR H 1687

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State: California

California Moratorium on new Hospice licenses.

Date Proposed : 02/19/2021

Date Effective : 01/1/2022

Date Expired : 01/1/2023

Program: Hospice

Adopted bill regarding Hospice licensure moratorium on new licenses. The California Hospice Licensure Act of 1990 requires a person, political subdivision of the state, or other governmental agency to obtain a license from the State Department of Public Health to provide hospice services to an individual who is experiencing the last phase of life due to a terminal disease, as defined, and their family, except as provided.

CA S 664

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