How Office Visit Notes Support Sleep Care
Office visit notes from the patient’s referring physician/provider documenting the supporting symptoms associated with the patient's need for sleep testing are critical to the client/patient record.
Another Site Visit? Be Prepared for Medicare Validation Visits
CMS requires the National Providers Enrollment (NPE) agencies to conduct site visits as part of the process to validate a DMEPOS supplier’s Medicare enrollment.
Why It Matters to Maintain Personnel Records
Maintaining personnel records for staff members is required to achieve ACHC Accreditation and meet applicable state and federal regulations.
Assessing Competencies Helps Ensure Quality and Safety of Patient Care
Competencies are not just requirements in health care. They are crucial aspects. Competencies play pivotal roles in ensuring patient safety, quality and continuity of care, and operational efficiency. As a healthcare professional, your role in identifying and addressing competence-related issues is paramount.
Maryland Halts New Licenses for Some Behavioral Health Programs
A moratorium on new licenses for select behavioral health programs and services in Maryland took effect July 1, 2024.
Time Out: Working to Ensure Operating Room Mistakes Don’t Happen
Did you know that the “time-out” performed in healthcare operating rooms was adapted from the aviatio¬¬n industry’s practices? Aviation’s pre-flight checklist and communication protocols reduced errors and enhanced safety.