Infection control in
the Sleep Lab, part 1

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  • Infection Control in the Sleep Lab, part 1

September 1, 2021

While COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of infection control in sleep centers, the issue should always be an organization-wide priority. An effective infection control program identifies risks, defines mitigation efforts, and measures results. Whether in a hospital-based sleep lab with multiple beds, an independent diagnostic testing facility, or a physician-run lab, infection control is essential to improving patient safety and quality of care.

Accreditation surveyors begin with the big picture. A sleep center’s infection control program must identify risks for the acquisition and transmission of infectious agents across all care/service settings.

Elements of a policy to guide the program include:

  • Staff hand hygiene and use of PPE.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting procedures.
  • Infection surveillance, monitoring and reporting (for employees and clients/patients).
  • Disposal of regulated waste, if applicable.
  • Patient screening.
  • Precautions to protect immunocompromised clients/patients.
  • Employee health conditions that limit their activities.
  • Collection and use of data obtained about infections and the infection control program.

From here, the surveyor will look at the details of implementation and how the results are evaluated.

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