Include All Staff in Survey Preparation

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November 9, 2022

Pharmacies often rely on one person to be responsible for all accreditation survey preparations. This may fall to the pharmacist in charge, owner, or designated compliance staff member.

However, for the best outcome, all staff should be involved in preparing for the survey and maintaining ongoing compliance with ACHC Pharmacy Accreditation Standards.

Standards Sections

ACHC Standards address continuous improvement in patient outcomes and effective operational practices.

Standards are divided into seven sections:

Section 1: Organization and Administration

Section 2: Program/Service Operations

Section 3: Fiscal Management

Section 4: Human Resource Management

Section 5: Provision of Care and Record Management

Section 6: Quality Outcomes/Performance Improvement

Section 7: Risk Management: Infection and Safety Control

Divide and Conquer

To ensure your pharmacy is in compliance with all standards, divide responsibility for each section among staff members. One person can be in charge of overall efforts, but it may be helpful to pair experienced staff members with areas familiar to them.

Prepare for Interviews

Throughout the survey process, your Surveyor also will interview key personnel. Involving staff in the preparation process can help solidify their understanding of your pharmacy’s policies and processes, keeping them better prepared to answer potential interview questions.

Bottom Line

Involving all pharmacy staff in preparations for your accreditation survey empowers your team and leads to a smoother, streamlined survey.

Here to Help

ACHC is more than an accreditor. We are your partner. For more information, contact your Account Advisor, email [email protected], or call (855) 937-2242, ext. 458.

Get Accredited

Ready to get started? Contact us to begin your ACHC Accreditation process today.