Palliative Care

Palliative Care: Do Your Part for a Successful Survey

Your survey for ACHC Palliative Care Accreditation is a collaborative effort between the Surveyor and your organization. Each is responsible for performing certain duties to collectively ensure a successful survey experience.

2024-04-24T13:12:19+00:0010/12/2022|Palliative Care|Comments Off on Palliative Care: Do Your Part for a Successful Survey

Igniting a Virtuous Cycle

Receiving accreditation or a specialty distinction or certification is an achievement worth promoting. Sharing the meaning of accreditation and news of your recognition by ACHC can start a cycle of positive engagement within your organization that extends outward into the communities you serve.

2024-04-24T13:13:00+00:0007/02/2021|General, Palliative Care, Testimonial|Comments Off on Igniting a Virtuous Cycle
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