Office-Based Surgery

Medication Safety for Office-Based Surgery

Office-based surgery (OBS) centers are an attractive choice for patients seeking surgery outside the hospital setting. Not only are these centers providing quicker access to scheduling and lower out-of-pocket costs, but also they are increasing the variety and complexity of cases being performed in the office-based setting.

2024-04-24T13:09:11+00:0004/09/2024|Accreditation, Office-Based Surgery|Comments Off on Medication Safety for Office-Based Surgery

Setting Up for Success: Your Guide to Essential Equipment and Processes in Office-Based Surgery

 Office-based surgery (OBS) practices offer patients convenience and care tailored to their needs. Whether a practice is new or has been building for years, keeping up with essential equipment and process requirements is crucial to maintaining excellence. This guide takes a look at the growing role OBS practices play in healthcare.

2024-04-24T13:09:13+00:0002/09/2024|Accreditation, Office-Based Surgery|Comments Off on Setting Up for Success: Your Guide to Essential Equipment and Processes in Office-Based Surgery

Office-Based Surgery: Developing a Culture of Safety First

Office-based surgery (OBS) centers are an attractive choice for patients seeking surgery outside the hospital setting. Not only are these centers providing quicker access to scheduling and lower out-of-pocket costs, but also they are increasing the variety and complexity of cases being performed in the office-based setting.

2024-04-24T13:09:14+00:0009/18/2023|Accreditation, Office-Based Surgery|Comments Off on Office-Based Surgery: Developing a Culture of Safety First

Office-Based Surgery: Let’s Talk Trash! What’s the Big Deal About Boxes?

Cardboard shipping boxes are ubiquitous. There’s likely one in or near your workspace at this moment. It’s probably harmless. But a corrugated cardboard box that makes its way into a semi-restricted and restricted area of your surgical services department is another story – a very serious story. You need a plan.

2024-04-24T13:11:07+00:0004/27/2023|Office-Based Surgery|Comments Off on Office-Based Surgery: Let’s Talk Trash! What’s the Big Deal About Boxes?

Office-Based Surgery: It’s Always Time to Evaluate Quality and Performance

A look at the past can help improve the present and ensure a better future. And that holds true for an office-based surgery center seeking the best patient outcomes. Past, present, and future combine in the development of a crucial Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement, or QAPI, plan.

2024-04-24T13:11:31+00:0003/08/2023|Office-Based Surgery|Comments Off on Office-Based Surgery: It’s Always Time to Evaluate Quality and Performance

Office-Based Surgery: Ensuring Anesthesia Machine Safety

When a patient must undergo a procedure that requires anesthesia, a crucial step in ensuring patient safety is to conduct a thorough check of the anesthesia machine to be certain the components are in proper working order. ACHC Standards address maintenance requirements. (article continues)

2024-04-24T13:11:52+00:0001/31/2023|Office-Based Surgery|Comments Off on Office-Based Surgery: Ensuring Anesthesia Machine Safety
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