
Hospice: Meeting Plan of Care Requirements

Your survey for ACHC Hospice Accreditation is an independent assessment that evaluates your hospice’s compliance with recognized national standards for quality and safety.

2024-04-24T13:11:32+00:0003/06/2023|Hospice|Comments Off on Hospice: Meeting Plan of Care Requirements

Hospice: Do Your Part for a Successful Survey

Your survey for ACHC Hospice Accreditation is a collaborative effort between the Surveyor and your agency. Each is responsible for performing certain duties to collectively ensure a successful survey experience.

2024-04-24T13:12:17+00:0010/26/2022|Hospice|Comments Off on Hospice: Do Your Part for a Successful Survey

Preparing for the End of the COVID-19 PHE

On July 15, Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services, extended the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration for another 90 days. One month later, on August 18, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a blog titled, “Creating a Roadmap for the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.”

2024-04-24T13:12:40+00:0009/07/2022|Ambulatory Surgery Center, Clinical Labs, DMEPOS, General, Home Health, Home Infusion Therapy, Hospice, Renal Dialysis|Comments Off on Preparing for the End of the COVID-19 PHE
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