Critical Access Hospital

Bridging the Gap: Understanding the Interconnection Between the Physical Environment and Life Safety in ACHC Standards for Hospitals

From a facilities perspective, protecting patient and staff safety are the hospital’s biggest priority. To ensure this safety, all aspects of the facility must be constructed, arranged, and maintained to meet a range of regulations.

2025-02-12T15:29:56+00:0002/11/2025|Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Did You Know?|Comments Off on Bridging the Gap: Understanding the Interconnection Between the Physical Environment and Life Safety in ACHC Standards for Hospitals

Advance Directives Require Important Considerations

Advance directives rank among the most important legal documents in the healthcare setting. They come into use when a patient is incapacitated and cannot provide informed consent for care or cannot actively participate in care planning. Among the various types of advance directives, the most common in the healthcare setting are the living will and the durable power of attorney for health care.

2024-09-20T19:14:21+00:0009/19/2024|Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Did You Know?|Comments Off on Advance Directives Require Important Considerations

Assessing Competencies Helps Ensure Quality and Safety of Patient Care

Competencies are not just requirements in health care. They are crucial aspects. Competencies play pivotal roles in ensuring patient safety, quality and continuity of care, and operational efficiency. As a healthcare professional, your role in identifying and addressing competence-related issues is paramount.

2024-07-29T17:50:08+00:0007/24/2024|Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Did You Know?|Comments Off on Assessing Competencies Helps Ensure Quality and Safety of Patient Care

Verifying Personnel Credentials Is a Crucial Task for Hospitals

Your latest hire might not be the healthcare professional you think you hired for your acute care hospital. Did you check? A multi-state scheme to sell fake nursing diplomas should serve as a crucial reminder about the importance of verifying credentials for all licensed personnel.

2024-06-04T13:40:42+00:0005/16/2024|Accreditation, Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Did You Know?|Comments Off on Verifying Personnel Credentials Is a Crucial Task for Hospitals

Have a Plan for When You Must Write a Plan of Correction

Nobody is perfectly perfect. Nearly all organizations surveyed for accreditation are cited for deficiencies. To get back on the right track, the organization must develop an effective Plan of Correction (POC) for each deficiency and promptly submit it for approval before a final accreditation status can be determined. It’s a process.

2024-04-24T13:09:12+00:0003/14/2024|Accreditation, Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access Hospital|Comments Off on Have a Plan for When You Must Write a Plan of Correction

Critical Access Hospitals: Coordinating Food Preparation and Storage

Checking a box or making a call sends a meal to a patient in a Critical Access Hospital. But long before delivery, intricate collaboration takes place between departments to ensure food, infant formula, breast milk,and supplements are stored and prepared safely to support all ages and nutritional needs.

2024-04-24T13:11:32+00:0003/06/2023|Critical Access Hospital|Comments Off on Critical Access Hospitals: Coordinating Food Preparation and Storage

Preparing for the End of the COVID-19 PHE

On January 30, 2023, the Biden administration announced that the COVID-19 national emergency and Public Health Emergency will end on May 11, 2023. What does this mean for health care provider and supplier organizations that have come under CMS blanket waivers and enforcement discretion?

2024-04-24T13:11:51+00:0002/02/2023|Acute Care Hospital, Ambulatory Surgery Center, Critical Access Hospital|Comments Off on Preparing for the End of the COVID-19 PHE
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